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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Pear Tree - Year 1
  3. Pear Tree Learning Support

Pear Tree Learning Support

Maths practical work and games
Daily counting forwards and backwards from and to 100.
One more/One less than any given number.
Guess my shape/number (give lots of verbal clues).
Counting things in 2s, 5s and 10's
Spotting numbers and patterns around  the house and environment.
Odd and Even numbers
Killer number. Each person says 1 - 3 consecutive numbers until one of you reaches the killer number which means you are out. Count forwards, backwards or in multiples.
Links to online maths games:

ICT Games                                                                         

Arrow cards – use for counting up and back, counting in multiples, 10s and 1s                                        
Play your cards right – greater than/less than                                                                                           
Counting carscounting caterpillars - placing numbers using place value knowledge

Oxford Owl Maths

Add to 20  - addition 

Subtract within 20 - subtraction                                                                                          

Top marks          
Hit the button - number bonds, doubles, halves
Interactive 100 square – Counting forwards/backwards up to 100, adding or taking away (use it like a number line), counting in multiples, guess my number, etc.  
Time - tell the time to the hour and half past
Mental maths train - Adding, taking away, multiply and divide                                                                                                                                       
Top shop money game - paying for thing using the exact money up to 10p or 20p (not giving change)                                 
Shape patterns - recognising and continuing shapes
English and Phonics practical work and games:
Writing simple sentences to be cut up and ordered by the child.
Asking your child to write simple sentences about anything they have done or are interested in. Encourage children to use phonics and tricky words/spellings.
Remember finger spaces, capital letters and full stops.
Singing the alphabet, which letter is missing (encourage children to use the letter names).
Spelling words all the time - use letter names
Hangman (we play hangflower) Use phonically regular words or tricky words/spellings.
Practise handwriting

Links to Reading, Phonics and English online games


Cursive Handwriting - write the alphabet

Cursive Handwriting - choose a letter to practise

Sky Writer aeroplane - Sky Writer 

Writing runway - memory and sentence construction


Storyline - Story books read out loud

Booktrust - story books read out loud

Big letter bunnies - capital letter recognition

 Big Cat Collins Reading scheme     Username:           Password: Parents20!

Oxford Owl                                           Username: peartreeclass                                       Password: year1    


Phonics and Blending games

Blending Bingo - blending

Sound Sayer - pronunciation and blending

Help a hedgehog - segmenting and blending

Poop deck pirates - segmenting and blending     

Phonics Play - Phonics online games and activities

Phonics Bloom - Phonics online games and activities

Teach Your Monster To Read - Reading and phonics games

spooky phonics - grapheme phoneme correspondence (recognising letters and sounds)       

Phonics finder - wordsearch using known graphemes             

Spelling and Tricky words 

Look, cover, write and check - spelling   

rapid river - spelling
Forest phonics - segmenting and spelling words                                                                                                                                    

Little bird spelling - spelling                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


ORT characters pairs game - matching game with characters - memory

Pairs game - memory pairs game

ICT games - various literacy games