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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Pear Tree - Year 1
  3. Pear Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Pear Tree Class Blog September 2021 - July 2024


Weekly Update 7.10.1022

Posted: Oct 4, 2022 by: K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2021- 2024

It has felt like a more autumnal week in Pear Tree Class this last week. We have had a lot of conversations about seasonal changes and the children have enjoyed showing signs of autumn that they have found. 

In maths this week we have introduced the concept of addition using the part-whole model. Children have completed a lot of practical work and have been using the part-whole model to represent, solve and write addition number sentences. 


In computing the children have continued learning about the keyboard and the mouse on a computer and how to use these successfully. 

One of our favourite lessons of the week was science. We have been learning about minibeasts and their microhabitats. Every child made their own minibeast out of clay and painted their own microhabitat using a shoebox. Once the weather is a bit drier we will be collecting sticks and leaves to add to our microhabitats. 


We will be electing our School Council next week. If your child would like to stand as the Pear Class representative they need to make a poster ready to share in class on Thursday 13th October about why the class should vote for them and why they would be a good school council representative. Hopefully we get lots of posters! 

I look forward to seeing you all on Parents' Evening next week and hope you have a fantastic weekend, 

Miss Atkinson