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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Lime Tree - Year 1/2
  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog

Lime Tree Class Blog 2022 - 2024

Weekly Update 02.02.24

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2022 - 2024


In Maths Year 1 have been looking at how we can use arrays and repeated addition to find the total of equal groups. They have also continued practising counting in 2, 5 and 10. Year 2 have been looking at doubling and halving numbers. They have also been looking at the difference between odd and even numbers.

In English we have been looking at invitations. As a class we looked at various examples and created a key features list. The children have also been following instructions and ordering instructions. Next week we will be writing a set of instructions for the Fairy Godmother to help get Cinderella ready for the Royal Ball.

In PE we have continued with our skipping focus. I have seen so much progress from all the children already! Thank you to those of you who are already putting in the extra practice at home :)

In Science we looked at how the seasons effect different animals and how different animals protect themselves in the winter by hibernating, adapting or emigrating to a warmer climate.

In Topic we worked in small groups to create a map of Rufford Park with the use of digital maps and aerial photographs. The children also created a key to indicate what each part of the map was. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill


Weekly Update 26.01.24

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2022 - 2024


I cannot believe how fast this half term is going! We are already past the half way point and it feels like we are finally on our way out of the dark winter days.

This week we have been writing invitations for Prince Charming's Royal Ball where he plans to find his true love. The children have made the ball sound fantastic with their persuasive sentences. There is no way you would not want to go after hearing about chocolate fountains and marshmallow cakes!

In Maths Year 1 have been counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. They have been using their counting skills to solve repeated additions. Like last week I would encourage you to practise these at home as repetition of the pattern is the best way to learn them. Please see links below for the songs we have been using in class.

Counting in 2's: 

Counting in 5's: 

Counting in 10's: 

Year 2 have been consolidating the use of arrays and repeated addition to solve multiplications. We have also introduced the grouping and sharing strategies to solve divisions. I would also encourage you to recap on counting in 2's, 5's and 10's as this will really help with our multiplication and division work.

In Computing we have been looking at how to take the perfect picture by thinking about the use of portrait, landscape and framing. 

In DT this week we had a go at making a Jack and The Beanstalk lever. With the use of a split pin the children were able to make Jack climb and fall off the beanstalk.

On Wednesday all of Year 2 had a special visit from Katie at the Skipping School. She went through the various skips (double bounce, single bounce, hop and swap, side straddle, side swing) with the children that they will be doing at the Skipping Festival taking place in June! Going Live With Five

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill


Weekly Update 19.01.24

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2022 - 2024


A very cold and icy week this week! Thankfully we were able to get outside today after enough of the ice had melted.

In English the children have been writing a recount of the story as Cinderella. The children used our Talk for Writing story map which we created together to help when retelling the events in order. Cinderella retelling 1  Cinderella Retelling 2

In Maths we have moved onto multiplication and division. Year 2 have been introduced to the multiplication 'x' symbol and have been solving multiplications using arrays and repeated additions. They have been also using counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. Practicing these patterns at home would be really helpful. Year 1 have been making equal groups and solving repeated additions. They have started counting in 2's and using this to solve repeated additions. Here is a song the children have really enjoyed listening to to help with learning the pattern of counting in 2's  -                     

In DT each week we will be practising making a different mechanism for our final moving picture. This week we had a go at making sliders for a character chasing the Gingerbread Man.

In Science we have been looking at the weather and discussed the type of weather we experience in each season. We have started a weather observation diary that we will we keeping over the next week. Once we have collected our data we will look for any patterns and see if we can make a weather prediction based on what has happened already.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill

Weekly Update 12.01.24

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2022 - 2024

Hello and Happy New Year!

It was lovely to welcome so many smiling faces back to school this week. I think after the Christmas holidays the children have definitely recharged their batteries! Everyone has been ready and engaged with our new learning.

In English for this half term we will be looking at Traditional Tales. Cinderella is our first focus text and we have been writing from the perspective of both Cinderella and Prince Charming. We have used role play and thought tracking to support us with writing thought/feeling bubbles for these characters at different points in the story. 

In Maths, Year 1 have been consolidating numbers to 20. We have been ordering and comparing numbers using vocabulary such as 'greater than' 'less than' 'equal to'. We did briefly talk about the crocodile symbols (> <) but this will be revisited later in the year. We have finished the week with addition (within 20) as counting on using a number line. Year 2 have been consolidating addition and subtraction. We have been practising the range of strategies that have been taught so far and the children have been using them to solve word problems. Next week we will be starting multiplication and division!

Our Topic for Spring term is called Yeadon Explorers. For our first lesson we spent some time recapping on the 7 continents and the 5 oceans of the world. We listened to the Hopscotch song which are a great way to learn them! Here are the links if you would like to share them at home: 

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill 


Weekly Update 22.12.23

Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2022 - 2024


We made it... What a very long first term is has been! The children have really 'given their all' right up until the end but I do think they all need a well deserved rest now.

The children all looked fabulous in their party clothes on Tuesday. We had a great afternoon with a visit from Santa, lots of dancing and games.

On Wednesday we visited St John's Church. 'Rick the Vic' sang some songs with us and shared the story of the first Christmas. The children already knew lots about this after recently doing the 'Inn-Spectors' nativity. 

We've finished our week with a nice relaxing day of Christmas crafts and music - The current favourite Christmas song in Lime Tree

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I look forward to welcoming you back in January :)

Miss Cotterill

Funny Christmas Gifs For Facebook | Merry christmas minions, Minion  christmas, Merry christmas gif  

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