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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog


Weekly Update 01.03.24

Posted: Mar 1, 2024 by: Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2022 - 2024


Another busy week in Lime Tree as we end on the start of Spring :)

In Science we set up a little investigation to answer an enquiry question - 'What do plants need to stay healthy?' The children learnt that plants need the right 'conditions' to stay healthy so to check this we put four plants in different parts of the classroom and we will also look after them differently. We made predictions about what will happen to each plant and will see if these are correct when we revisit the investigation in 2 weeks.  

On Wednesday we had a special visit from a man called James Ketchell who is an adventurer and motivational speaker. He spoke to the children about some of the adventures he has been on and how important it is to have goals and to always try your best in everything that you do. 

As part of our PSHE learning we read a lovely story called 'Have You Filled a Bucket Today?'. It encourages children to fill each others imaginary buckets with kindness and love. We practised doing this by writing nice messages in each others buckets (these were sent home). Here is the link if you would like to share this story at home too: 

We finished the week with a very exciting Maths lesson. Our new focus is all about fractions. We have been focusing on what a half is and today introduced a quarter. Children made their own piece of toast and cut it in to halves and then quarters (linking to real life fractions). The children loved this activity, especially the eating part!

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill