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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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0113 391 0906

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  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog


Weekly Update 19.01.24

Posted: Jan 19, 2024 by: Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2022 - 2024


A very cold and icy week this week! Thankfully we were able to get outside today after enough of the ice had melted.

In English the children have been writing a recount of the story as Cinderella. The children used our Talk for Writing story map which we created together to help when retelling the events in order. Cinderella retelling 1  Cinderella Retelling 2

In Maths we have moved onto multiplication and division. Year 2 have been introduced to the multiplication 'x' symbol and have been solving multiplications using arrays and repeated additions. They have been also using counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. Practicing these patterns at home would be really helpful. Year 1 have been making equal groups and solving repeated additions. They have started counting in 2's and using this to solve repeated additions. Here is a song the children have really enjoyed listening to to help with learning the pattern of counting in 2's  -                     

In DT each week we will be practising making a different mechanism for our final moving picture. This week we had a go at making sliders for a character chasing the Gingerbread Man.

In Science we have been looking at the weather and discussed the type of weather we experience in each season. We have started a weather observation diary that we will we keeping over the next week. Once we have collected our data we will look for any patterns and see if we can make a weather prediction based on what has happened already.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Cotterill