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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Lime Tree - Year 1/2
  3. Lime Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Lime Tree Class Blog


Weekly Update 16.11.23

Posted: Nov 15, 2023 by: Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2022 - 2024


A slightly shorter week for us this week with Friday being a a training day.

We have had a very busy week with Odd Socks day for anti-bullying on Tuesday and Children in Need non-uniform day on Thursday!

In English we have moved on to retelling the story of 'Where The Wild Things are'. We started by sequencing pictures from the story. Then as a whole class we created a 'Talk for Writing' story map which the children used to help them verbally retell the story. Once the children were secure on the order of events they had a go at rewriting the story.   *Retelling Where The Wild Things Are*

In Maths Year 1 have been introduced to the subtraction symbol (-) and have been looking at how a part-whole model can help them solve subtraction number sentences. They have also been looking at fact families and the relationship between 3 numbers to create addition and subtraction number sentences. Year 2 have been adding across 10 by partitioning to find 10 first (or drawing representation). They have also been looking at 100 squares to find 10 more and 10 less than a given number. 

In Science we started our new topic which is about everyday materials and their uses. We explored and named a variety of different materials in and outside of the classroom. In Topic we looked in to the life of artist Paul Klee. We looked at where he was born and where he lived. The children used their atlas' to locate Switzerland in Europe. In Art we focused on the work of Mark Rothko. The children explored blending red, yellow and blue paint (the primary colours) together to recreate some of his work. In PE we have been playing OAA games which is all about team work and listening skills.

The preparations for our Christmas Play have begun this week. We have started listening and practising the songs so you may hear a few new songs being sung in your homes. We have a brand new play this year which has never performed in school before! We are all very excited :) 

There is only 1 week until our Christmas Fayre... Any donation are greatly appreciated! 

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Cotterill